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Congratulations to our TOP 2 teams:

1st Place = moms spaghetti

2nd Place = Oh Forsurda


We play rain or shine. if there is ligthning and thunder please wait in your car for 10 mins (or less) to resume games. If games cannot continue, captains rock paper scissors to determine winner of the game. Games cannot end with a tie score. Games will not be rescheduled. 


Thursday Comp 4's Spring League

Thursday COMP 4's League starts Thursday May 12th and runs for 8 weeks to the end of June. Leagues will continue ( for interested teams) into summer months (July, August, September) in the same format.

Teams will be schedule 2 (sometimes 3) matches weekly. Matches are scheduled for 1hr times slots (530/630/730) for three sets to 21 (cap 25). The first 6 weeks of the season will be round robin play, followed by 2 weeks of playoffs.

Play format is designed for 2M/2F, however teams may play with a third M (LIBERO only) if 2 F are not present. This rule does not apply for playoff matches. All players must be registered RYATT athletes, if teams are short, subs may be used from other Thursday teams. Teams have until May 20th to complete their roster.

Schedule for the entire season will be posted during the first week of play. 1st place team will receive prizes.

Registration Information

Team registration is now closed. You can still register as a substitute player.

Sign Up


1 moms spaghetti 11 34 26 8 24 702 576 126
2 Pug Fugly 12 36 25 11 21 715 608 107
3 Oh forsurda 12 38 23 15 21 735 685 50
4 United 12 36 23 13 21 685 645 40
5 Having Fun 12 36 22 14 20 697 653 44
6 Always on 2 12 36 22 14 20 686 653 33
7 Reyes de la Playa 12 40 23 17 19 781 739 42
8 We Want D Cup 12 37 20 17 17 730 723 7
9 Marben and his 3some 11 33 14 19 14 637 630 7
10 L- Lancers 11 35 15 20 13 634 661 -27
11 Ace in Spades 11 33 8 25 8 566 657 -91
12 More Hustle and Muscle 12 36 10 26 8 628 725 -97
13 Summer Fun 12 36 2 34 2 510 751 -241

Historical Schedule

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