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Congratulations to the following teams:

Pool A -  Diablo

Pool B - Real Objects

Pool C - Wolf Pack 

for winning their respective pools!


COED League games are 3 games to 25 (cap 27) and are schedule to be completed in a one hour time slot. If the last game starts with less then 15 min remaining in time - the last game should be shortened to 15. Games must be completed with at no more then 5 mins after the hour ( i.e. if score is 12-9 at this time - this is the final score of the game).


The COED LEAGUE features round robin sessions of 7 tiers of teams with top 2/bottom 2 teams moving tiers after each session. Playoffs will be divided into sections for a single elimination tournament.

The league will start in Sept 2012 and run until April 2013. Games are played on Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs nights and requests for evenings are accepted but not able to promise.

Questions should be sent to or via the contact us page


1 Undecided 2013 21 61 50 11 48 1461 1190 271
2 Bumping Uglies 21 63 41 22 40 1466 1225 241
3 Diablo 22 64 42 22 40 1485 1273 212
4 Spiketacular 22 64 38 26 37 1471 1239 232
5 Hit and Miss 21 62 37 25 37 1402 1328 74
6 Tap Dat Pass 21 61 37 24 36 1386 1190 196
7 Block U Like a Hurricane 21 61 38 23 36 1356 1169 187
8 Hooligans-THU 23 67 38 29 36 1503 1320 183
9 Hulk Smash - THU 21 62 36 26 36 1394 1264 130
10 Sonova Beach 22 65 37 28 36 1352 1262 90
11 Spikebelts 22 65 38 27 36 1427 1355 72
12 Stink-a-links 22 65 36 29 35 1495 1291 204
13 Just 4 Fun-THU 21 63 36 27 35 1443 1343 100
14 Check Construction 21 61 35 26 34 1279 1021 258
15 Real Objects 24 69 38 31 34 1440 1450 -10
16 Parade of Paints - WED 24 69 37 32 34 1474 1491 -17
17 Taugher Controls 23 67 35 32 33 1483 1397 86
18 Ballaz - THU 21 62 34 28 33 1437 1380 57
19 Blue Crew 22 65 33 32 33 1257 1449 -192
20 Will Work For Sets 22 64 33 31 32 1452 1373 79
21 Fosters Fury 20 60 32 28 31 1347 1143 204
22 Can't Serve 23 68 32 36 31 1466 1343 123
23 Its a Hard Bump Life 21 62 31 31 31 1406 1334 72
24 Blockers and Knockers 21 63 30 33 29 1393 1303 90
25 Beach Bums 21 63 30 33 29 1409 1371 38
26 Id Hit That 22 66 31 35 29 1460 1459 1
27 Grey Areas 21 63 30 33 29 1418 1425 -7
28 LC Sport and Spine Coed 22 64 30 34 29 1297 1415 -118
29 Sportsplex 21 63 29 34 28 1322 1358 -36
30 Parade of Paints 2 21 63 28 35 27 1312 1365 -53
31 Dirty Carls 22 64 28 36 27 1360 1463 -103
32 Bump Set DRINK 22 64 28 36 27 1199 1302 -103
33 One of Three 20 59 26 33 26 1204 1209 -5
34 J.A. Contracting 19 56 26 30 26 1067 1109 -42
35 Wolf Pack 22 64 28 36 26 1303 1427 -124
36 The Spartan Spares 22 64 26 38 25 1366 1470 -104
37 SpeedBUMPS 22 64 23 41 21 1264 1301 -37
38 Instant Replay 20 59 20 39 20 827 1235 -408
39 Bradley Security 20 59 18 41 18 1060 1305 -245
40 Under the Influence 19 56 17 39 17 840 1221 -381
41 Boom 20 60 16 44 16 860 1407 -547
42 Set for Life 20 60 14 46 14 703 1371 -668

Historical Schedule

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