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Congrats to:

2nd Place = Notorious DIG

3rd Place = Inflated Vballs

Round Robin: Games are scheduled for 1 hr ( please respect that).   Matches are three sets to 21 (cap at 25).   If you are running out of time, please shorten your third game.   Please start games if you are missing players (do not wait for late players to start, they can join in when they arrive).  

Sunday leagues at Holy Cross, please note that the entrance to this school will be at the back door, closest to the gym. If you are facing the back of the school, the most-left door is the door closest to the gym. The main entrance (in the front) is locked.



Play in the RYATT 2018-2019 COED LEAGUE. Games will be played most Sunday's ( with some holiday and gym closures exceptions), with league start times between 530pm and 10pm at Holy Cross, most games will be 7 or 8pm.

Tier 3- Coed League is designed to be INTERMEDIATE mostly a Competitive Level of Play so please plan your team/roster accordingly.

Teams will be scheduled for 1 match each evening with the occasional double header. The league will start mid September with playoffs taking place in late March/Early April. League winners will receive RYATT gear and prizes from league sponsors.

League structure will be an ongoing round robin and an extended playoffs.

Registration Information

Team registration is now closed. You can still register as a substitute player.

Sign Up


1 Hot Hands 28 84 66 18 66 1691 1322 369
2 Notorious DIG. 28 84 59 25 59 1653 1406 247
3 SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY 28 84 53 31 53 1607 1454 153
4 The Dream Team 28 84 46 38 46 1623 1464 159
5 Night Danger 28 84 46 38 46 1569 1587 -18
6 Inflated V Balls 28 84 36 48 36 1508 1496 12
7 Norfolk-In-Chance 28 84 15 69 15 1226 1677 -451
8 Quick Service 28 84 15 69 15 1215 1686 -471

Historical Schedule

© 2005 - 2024 Ryatt - live life. have fun. play volleyball.