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Teams will be split into two divisions (based on previous league standings) and will play round robin games in Round 1 ( finishing Feb 9th).  Top 2/bottom 2 teams will move into different divisions and Round 2 will be played.   Playoffs will be March 30th and semi and finals April 13th.  Playoffs seedings will be based on overall standings (total wins)  Games will be played from 6-930pm at Holy Cross, Queen's or Ecole - although most games will be scheduled for 7/8/9 at Ross Gym.   Each match will be 3 games to 21 ( cap 21) - teams have 1 hour to complete their matches.  Limited games will be scheduled on some weeks ( Family Day, March break, exam peroids) because a loss of gym space.   

2015 Annex Spa Women's League

Women's league will continue to be played on Monday evenings generally from 7-10:30pm at Queen's, Holy Cross or Ecole. Teams will play 1-2 matches each week and be split into two divisions of play.


1 Trap Queens 6 18 12 6 12 362 319 43
2 smack down 5 15 11 4 11 288 238 50
3 Badass Beavers 5 15 10 5 10 290 269 21
4 Estrogen Overload 6 18 7 11 7 327 330 -3
5 You Got Served 6 18 2 16 2 257 368 -111

Historical Schedule

© 2005 - 2024 Ryatt - live life. have fun. play volleyball.